• How to Install SIM Card on Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 Pro?

    This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of inserting a SIM card into the Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 Pro 5G.

    How to Install SIM Card on Samsung Galaxy Tablet Active 4 Pro 5G : Step-by-Step Tutorial

    How to Insert SIM Card on Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 Pro?

    • Turn off Samsung Galaxy Tab
      • You can swipe down and see power button next to setting option or tape on power button and tap again on power.
      • Press and hold power button with low volume button for at least three seconds, tape on power button and tap again on power.
    • Remove back cover of your tablet as shown in video above.
    • Remove the battery of the tablet.
    • Insert the sim card you want to use carefully.
    • Insert the battery and turn on the tablet to confirm wether the sim card has placed well.
    • Once you see the sim card has been detected put the back cover.


    1. Use only a nano Sim Card as Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 Pro support only nano sim card.
    2. Do not insert SD card in the slot of Sim Card. It can get stuck and incase it happens , take your device to samsung repair centre to remove it safely without damaging your device.
    3. Make sure your sim card status is active.

    If you have any issues with the procedure or have not been able to resolve the problem, please feel free to reach out to me using the Whatsapp button How may I help you? below or by using the comment box.

  • How to fix the error Video Outside the Viewport?

    In this article, we will look at how to fix this problem and improve the indexing of your video content in Google Search Console.

    1.Identifying the Problem

    It’s important to identify the pages impacted by the “Video Outside the Viewport” error before beginning the fix. Use Google Search Console to find URLs that have video display-related indexing problems.

    1. Access Google Search Console:
    2. Select Your Property:
      • Choose the property website for which you are experiencing the Video Outside the Viewport issue.
    3. Navigate to the Pages Report:
      • In the left-hand menu, click on Pages under the index section.
    4. Identify Affected URLs:
      • Review the list of URLs with issues. Look for entries related to the Video Outside the Viewport error.
    5. Inspect URL:
      • Click on a specific URL with the error to inspect it further.
    6. Check URL Inspection Tool:
      • In the top menu, click on URL Inspection. This tool provides detailed information about the specific URL.

    2.Testing and Inspection

    1. Open Live URL in Browser:
      • Copy the URL of the page you inspected in Step 1 and open it in your web browser.
    2. Check Video Positioning:
      • Ensure that the video on the live page is positioned correctly within the viewport. Look for any irregularities or issues with how the video is displayed.
    3. Use Browser Developer Tools:
      • Right-click on the video element and select Inspect or use browser developer tools usually accessible by pressing F12. Check for any CSS or layout issues affecting the video’s positioning.
    4. Adjustments and Testing:
      • If you identify any issues, consider making adjustments to the HTML or CSS related to the video positioning. After making changes, refresh the page and re-test to see if the problem is resolved.
    5. Mobile Responsiveness:
      • Test the live URL on different devices to ensure the video displays correctly across various screen sizes.
    6. Document Findings:
      • Take notes on any changes made or issues identified during the testing process. This documentation will be useful for the next steps in resolving the problem.

    3.Making iframe Responsive:

    To address the Video Outside the Viewport issue and ensure responsiveness, follow these steps:

    1. Create a div and wrap the iframe within it, styling the div.
      • <iframe title=”Your video title” width=”100%” height=”100%” src=”Your video Link” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=”” style=”position:absolute; top:0; left: 0″>
    2. Follow-Up and Feedback:
      • After implementing the fix, revisit Google Search Console and fetch and render the affected pages. Confirm that the changes are recognized. Encourage user feedback to identify any lingering issues.


    By systematically addressing the “Video Outside the Viewport” issue, you can optimize the indexing of your video pages in Google Search Console. Test thoroughly, apply fixes globally when necessary, and proactively maintain optimal video display for improved SEO. Share your experiences and solutions to contribute to the collective knowledge of the SEO community.

  • How to Fix Navigation Policy Violation Error for Adsense?

    Do you wish to correct the Site Behavior Navigation AdSense policy violation? We shall see how we can fix this today?

    Understanding the Navigation Policy Violation Error

    Let’s quickly define the Navigation Policy Violation error before moving on to the solutions. This error happens when your website violates Google AdSense’s navigational guidelines. The official navigation guidelines are available Here. These are some of the errors encountered.

    • False claims of downloadable or streaming content
    • Linking to content that does not exist
    • Redirecting users to irrelevant and misleading pages
    • Text unrelated to your website’s topic

    1. How to FixNavigation Violation Policy

    The user gets emails when they violate any AdSense policy. Check the email and violation sources. For example;

    1.1 False claims of downloadable or streaming content

    Make sure that any links you share on your website or in your posts don’t falsely claim to offer downloads or streaming. Also, ensure that the links don’t lead to pirated or illegal content. If you find such links, remove them and reapply for site monetization.

    1.2 Linking to content that does not exist

    Ensure that any links you share on your website or in your posts are valid. If your user clicks on those links, it should direct them to the mentioned source. If your link does not exist, remove those links and then reapply for site monetization.

    1.3 Redirecting users to irrelevant and/or misleading webpages

    Take out any links or parts on your website that send users to the wrong pages. For instance, if you say “click here to download” for free stuff but it goes to something else, remove those parts. After that, you can try again to get AdSense approval.

    1.4 Text on a page unrelated to the topic and/or business model of the website

    Make sure your website’s content or any text on a page are related to the topic and it match with your website.

    After making the necessary adjustments, ask Google AdSense for a review. Find the alleged violation by going to the “Policy Center” in your AdSense account. To request a review, click on it and follow the steps. Google will examine your website and remove the violation if everything is in order.


    Making Navigation Policy Corrections AdSense violation error calls for an organized strategy. You can fix the problem and keep using AdSense to monetize your website by comprehending Google’s policies, locating the causes of violation, making the necessary adjustments, and seeking review. Keep in mind that adhering to the rules not only guarantees a great user experience but also helps you earn as much money as possible by maintaining the advertisers’ trust. Keep a watchful eye, and your AdSense account will prosper.

    Contact divarsani.com using WhatsApp

    If you have any issues with the procedure or have not been able to resolve the error, please feel free to contact me using the Whatsapp button How may I help you? below or by using the comment box.

  • How to Fix the Problem MacBook Not Turning On?

    Is your Macbook not turning on? This article will show you how to quickly resolve the issue of a MacBook or MacBook Pro not powering up in just five minutes.

    How to fix the problem MacBook is not Powering on?
    Is your Macbook not turning on? This article will show you how to quickly resolve the issue of a MacBook or MacBook Pro not powering up in just five minutes.

    The solution I’m about to share will fix the problem on any MacBook, whether it’s a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, regardless of its model.

    I have a MacBook Pro from 2019. One day, I was using it without a charger but got busy with something else, so the battery completely ran out, and my laptop turned off. I plugged in my MacBook to charge it, but when I tried to turn it back on, it wouldn’t start up. After doing some research, I found solutions, and now I’m here to share them with you.

    Common Causes Behind a MacBook Not Powering Up

    Before we proceed to the solution, understanding the causes behind a MacBook not powering up is quite important.

    MacBook is not Charged:

    You need to make sure your Macbook or Macbook Pro is charged enough. Connect it with the charger and check if it is charging by looking for a charging light indicator or listening for a sound, depending on your MacBook model. In case it does not charge try to clean the port using the appropriate tool or toothpick as per your convenience and remove all the dirt from the charging port. If this does not help, try to change the charging cable or adaptor.

    Brightness is Low:

    This could not be a cause for MacBook not turning on but this could be the reason which gives the wrong message to you that your MacBook is not turning on. Imagine, your brightness is completely zero and your screen is 100% dark, is this not a situation where you may feel that your MacBook is not turning on.

    Fallen Knocked MacBook:

    If your MacBook has fallen or knocked with something then you may face this problem. This kind of incident can give you anxiety that it has got damaged internally but it can be refixed by trying mentioned solutions.

    How to Fix MacBook Not Turning on Problem?

    I will show you how to fix your MacBook that does not turn on at all. I’ve got all the possible solutions, and I’ll explain them in the order from the easiest to the last one you should try.

    After leaving your MacBook in charging at least for ten minutes, try the below solutions one by one. Make sure you follow all the solutions carefully from beginning to end until they solve your problem. Do not skip any solution and jump to the next without trying them. So, let’s begin.

    Solution – 01

    1. Make sure your MacBook is in charge.
    2. Press and hold the power button for eight seconds, then release it.
    3. If this doesn’t work, move on to solution number two.

    Solution – 02

    1. Connect your MacBook with a charger and make sure it’s charging.
    2. Press the Power button three times, like counting to three. Press it around every second. Don’t get confused. When I say three times, I mean press & release and repeat this three times. Your computer might turn on by the second press. If it does, there’s no need to press it a third time.
    3. If this doesn’t work, move on to solution number three.

    Solution – 03

    1. Connect your MacBook with a charger and make sure it’s charging.
    2. Press and hold the Ctrl + Alt+ Power button for up to five seconds and then release all the buttons and press the power button alone quickly and release.
    3. If this doesn’t work, move on to solution number four.

    Solution – 04

    1. Connect your MacBook with a charger and make sure it’s charging.
    2. Leave it on charge for at least twenty minutes.
    3. Disconnect charger.
    4. Close the MacBook screen and flip your MacBook.
    5. Disconnect your battery from the motherboard and reconnect.
      • Make sure your hands are clean and dry.
      • Get the appropriate screwdriver.
      • Remove all the screws and then remove the cover to access the battery.
      • Disconnect the battery from the motherboard at least for five seconds and reconnect it.
      • Fix the cover and all the screws.
    6. Connect again with the charger and press the power button.
    7. If this doesn’t work, then you can go and see the Apple store to get it checked.

    If following the steps above do not help you fix the error, please reach out to me on WhatsApp. You can reach out to me with any queries/comments/feedback relating to this problem using the comment box below or on my WhatsApp.

    Planning to buy a MacBook Pro?

    MacBook How-Tos:

  • How to Add any Folder to Favorites in the Sidebar on MacBook?

    Want to add a folder to the favourites in the sidebar on a MacBook or Mac? This article will help you in adding any folder to the favourites in the sidebar.

    1.Open Finder

    Begin by opening the Finder application on your MacBook. This is done by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock, which is usually positioned at the bottom of your screen.

    2. Locate the Folder or Disk

    Navigate to the folder or disk you want to add to your Favorites list. This can be accomplished by simply clicking on the relevant drives and folders in the Finder window until you reach the desired location.

    3. Drag the Item to Favorites

    Click and hold the folder or disk to add it to the Favorites section in the sidebar, then drag it to the Favorites section. The Favorites area is normally found in the Finder window’s left sidebar.

    4. Drop the Item into Favorites

    Once you have dragged the folder or disk to the Favorites section, release the mouse button to drop it into the desired position within the Favorites list.

    5. Confirm the Addition

    The folder or disk is now added to the Favorites section. To verify this, click on the item’s name in the Favorites section, and it should open, allowing you quick access to its contents.

    Note: Creating a Shortcut

    The addition of an item to the Finder sidebar simply creates a shortcut to the item; it is not moved from its original place. This implies you can access the folder or disk without having to change its original location.


    Adding a folder or disk to the Favorites section in the sidebar of your MacBook’s Finder can enhance your workflow by providing quick access to important locations. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize your Finder sidebar to match your preferences and navigate your files and folders more efficiently.

    Other MacBook How-Tos:

    Planning to buy a MacBook Pro?
