How to pay PAYE, NHIF and NSSF using Mpesa for Organisation?

Do you want to pay PAYE, NSSF, and NHIF using Mpesa for your company or organization? In this article, we will help you do it.

How to pay PAYE for organizations using Mpesa?

  • Open Mpesa, select Lipa na Mpesa and go to the Paybill option.
  • Enter 572572 as the business number.
  • Enter the Payment Registration Number as account no.
  • Enter amount (Amount should be less than 70,000.00 Ksh)
  • Insert your Mpesa pin and click Ok to complete the transaction.

The due date for PAYE Returns and remittances is the ninth day of each calendar month.

How to pay NHIF for organizations using Mpesa?

  • Generate E-Slip / By-product number from the NHIF portal.
  • Open Mpesa, select Lipa na Mpesa and go to the Paybill option.
  • Enter 200222 as a business number.
  • Enter the generated by-product number as the account number.
  • Enter the amount that needs to be paid.
  • Enter your Mpesa Pin and click on Ok to complete the transaction.

The last day to pay NHIF is the ninth day of each calendar month. After paying, you can check the status of your NHIF account to check for any other outstanding fees or arrears.

How to pay NSSF for organizations using Mpesa?

  • Generate NSSF Payment Order from the NSSF portal.
  • Open Mpesa, select Lipa na Mpesa and go to the Paybill option.
  • Enter 333300 as a business number.
  • Enter the Unique Payment Number (UPN)  as the account number
  • Enter the amount that needs to be paid.
  • Enter your Mpesa Pin and click on Ok to complete the transaction.

The last day to pay NSSF is the 15th day of each calendar month.

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