Canva Price Changes

Incredible Price reduction by Canva

Are you Canva users? Yes? Congratulations! You have good news. Canva has reduced their price by 50% and a lot more in Canva Pro.

Latest Canva Price for the team (1 to 5 people)

Today, Canva has announced huge price reductions in their services. Before the price for canva pro users was 12.99 $ per month per (1 to 5 people) team, and if you pay annually then 9.99$ per month per team (1 to 5 people) which is 119.88 $ per year per team (1 to 5 people). But from today onwards you will be charged 6.99 $ per month per team (1 to 5 people) and if you pay annually then 4.59$ per month per team (1 to 5 people) which is 54.99$ per year per team (1 to 5 people).

There are no changes in the Canva enterprise package so the price for canva enterprise package is 30 $ per month per team (1 to 25 people) which is remain the same as it is.

Latest Canva Price for the team (10 people)

The latest canva pro price is 26.49$ per month per (10 people) team, and if you pay annually then 204.99$ per month per team (10 People).

Latest Canva Price for the team (25 people)

The latest canva pro price is 86.49$ per month per (25 people) team, and if you pay annually then 654.99$ per month per team (25 People).

Latest Canva Price for the team (50 people)

The latest canva pro price is 186.49$ per month per (50 people) team, and if you pay annually then 1404.99$ per month per team (50 People).

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