How much do small YouTubers make from YouTube? YouTube payment and YouTube earning are the most searched keyword by youtube content creators. Even when I started my YouTube channel, I checked categories-wise YouTube earnings of several channels.

I make money from several online platforms like websites, YouTube, Canva, and Amazon affiliate marketing. These numbers can go up subsequently because when I started, I started from YouTube and the website. Making money from online platforms is very easy, but it needs determination, patience, content quality and consistency.

I have two websites;

Both these websites got monetized for AdSense, but according to my experience, YouTube is the most revenue generator platform.

In this article, I will share my YouTube earning experience. This could be the motivation for the small YouTubers who are very close to completing the YPP monetization threshold.

Currently, I have five YouTube channels.

Out of the above five YouTube channels, Mad About Construction got monetized recently, and I am going to share all important milestones.

My First Payment from YouTube

How Long does it Usually Take to Complete 1000 Wubscriber and 4000 Watch Hours?

  • Starting Date: 7th May 2021
  • 500 Subscribers: 23rd December 2021 ( 231 Days)
  • 1000 Subscribers: 11th April 2022 ( 340 Days)
  • 4000 Watch Hours in the previous 12 months: 6th May 2022
  • Monetization: 12th May 2022

I started my Mad About Construction YouTube channel on 7th May 2021. It took 231 days to complete the first 500 subscribers and 340 days to complete 1k subscribers. This shows getting the first 500 subscribers are difficult compared to 2nd 500 subscribers. I completed 4000 watch hours on 6th May 2022. For me getting subscribers was easier than getting 4000 watch hours. I applied for monetization on 6th May 2022, and the application got approved on 12th May 2022.

My First Month YouTube Earning

My channel got monetized on 12th May 2022, and since then I have made money from that channel regardless of how many videos I post. I have not posted quite regularly because I am also doing business. The earnings report for my first few months is below;

  • May 2022 ( 20 Days): 4.94 $
  • June 2022: 8.69$
  • July 2022: 11.41$
  • August 2022: 12.13$
  • September 2022: 13.09$
  • October 2022: 16.89$
Sr. No.MonthSubscribersViewsEarning
1May 2022 (20 Days)5312,8004.94$
2June 20227020,8008.69$
3July 202211430,60011.41$
4August 202212542,80012.13$
5September 2022 9127,00012.95$
6October 202213646,60016.89$
YouTube earning report of first six months after YPP monetization.
My First YouTube Payment
YouTube earning report.

Now, after getting monetized for the YouTube partner program, I never posted a single video on this channel still the monthly earnings kept increasing. This is what most exciting benefit of online earnings, create content and monetize them and it will make money for you even if you are sleeping. But, doing this consistently will increase your earnings tremendously.

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