The Best FREE Video Transition Effects In Wondershare

Are your videos lacking that intriguing aspect to capture you or your audience? This article will show you some video transition effects to zest up your videos.

What are Video Transition Effects?

Video transitions are very useful features when it comes to video editing. They help the editor, and the viewer, move from one scene in a video to another in an exciting fashion. These transitions, therefore, help reduce monotony when watching a video with many scenes. As a video content creator, or if video editing is your hobby, transitions will be a helpful tool to spice up your videos.

When adding transitions in your video, ensure you use the best type of transition for a particular scene, and just the right amount of transitions in the entire video. Using irrelevant and too many transitions will clutter your video, thus making your video hard to watch.

Wondershare Filmora Video Transition Effects

Personally, I use Wondershare Filmora video editing software to edit my personal videos and those that I post on my YouTube Channel. The software offers a wide variety of video transitions to use, some are free to use while some have to be paid for first to be used. These transitions are grouped into different categories based on their similar characteristics. These categories include; basic, cinematic, zoom, warp, glitch, slide, speed blur, page-turning, glass, light leak, brush, liquid, smoke, and vertical.

In this read, I will share with you some amazing, and free, video transitions that I have used in one of my YouTube videos (Video below).

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1. Cross-zoom

Under the zoom category of transitions, the cross-zoom video transition is a blurry zooming-in effect. The scenes switch from one to the next in a blurry motion moving to the left. You can view this effect at the 00:11 second of the video.

2. Swirl

As the name suggests, this transition effect is a spiraling effect of the video as it moves onto the next scene/part. In the video, at the 00:28 timestamp, I saw the opportunity of using it since I was rotating an object (a box) that I was holding at the end of the scene. So the swirl effect blended with the rotation of the box.

3. Warp zoom 3

To warp is to be bent out of shape, so this is what the transition effect does. It bends the video out and then zooms in as the next scene appears. This effect is under the zoom category of transitions. There are other variations of the warp zoom effect (as you will later learn in the article) so that is why there is the warp zoom 3. I used it at the 00:52 mark of the video as there was information I was zooming into as I went into the next scene. Similarly, you can use it in an almost similar manner, or however you will see best in your video.

4. Box-turn

Under the zoom category is the box-turn transition. This effect transitions a scene by creating a box-like motion that moves from one side of the video to the other, as the next scene comes into view. More like how you open a book. And that is the reason I used it at 01:41 when I open the manual book. This effect, however, has two variations, box-turn 1 and box-turn 2. Box-turn 1 transitions the video from right to left while box-turn 2 transitions from left to right.

5. Simple roll

The simple roll video transition is located under the speed blur category of transitions. Though it is named roll, the video does not roll as it proceeds to the next scene. Rather, the video speeds to one side of the screen as the next scene comes up. You can properly view it at minute 03:36 of the video.

6. Turn

This transition ‘literally’ turns your video from one side to the other. Under the slide category of transitions, this effect flips the video, at the horizontal axis, from the bottom up to reveal the ‘back’ of the video, which will now be the next scene of your video. In the video, at 04:18, I used it as I was opening the Watch’s package to ’emphasize’ the opening of the package.

7. Warp zoom 4

As mentioned, there are other variations of the warp zoom effect, which range from warp zoom 1 to warp zoom 6. They are different based on how the video warps. This warp zoom 4 effect warps the video in a blurry anticlockwise motion as the next video scene appears. I used it to transition to an almost completely different scene, as seen in the 04:46 minute of the video.

8. Shift zoom 4

The shift zoom effect, under the zoom category, also has a number of variations though the shift zoom 4 is what I saw best to use at 07:09. This transition pushes the video further into the center of the video, in a blurry motion, then magnifies the next video scene into view, also in a blurry motion. Personally, it is best used as one shifts between two non-related scenes of a video.

9. Fade

The fade is a basic-category transition as it is also very commonly used due to its simplicity. The video slowly vanishes away and the next scene slowly fades up. The slower the transition, the stronger the visual effect it brings to the viewer. Being too slow, however, will not be good to your video. Have a look at 08:43 timestamp of the video to see how I used it in my video.

10. Topple

Under zoom, is the topple transition. As the name suggests, the transition causes the previous scene to ‘fall’ due to the oncoming of the upcoming scene. In this transition, the next scene comes into view from the top of the screen and ‘pushes’ down the currently playing scene until the next scene fully takes over the screen. View it in my video to see how it looks like (Timestamp – 09:19).

11. Blurry roll

Another roll transition, still located under the speed blur category. Now, in this one, the transition moves from one scene to the next in a fast horizontal blurry motion moving to the left. In my video, I used it to move to the next topic, i.e from explaining about the Apple watch wristbands to how to put the wristbands on the watch, as seen in 10:13.

12. Vertical stretch

This transition is basically how it has been labeled. It vertically stretches the video and then retracts to normal to reveal the next scene. Find it under the warp category to have a try at it, See it in minute 11:36 of my video to see how I applied it.

13. Wormhole 3

Similar to the warp zoom transition effect, the wormhole transition has several variations to it, ranging from wormhole 1 to wormhole 6. The wormhole effect is under the warp category as it similarly bends the video out of shape as the video moves onto the next scene. If you are aware of what a wormhole is, then you have a basic idea of how this transition might look like. The video speeds toward the center of the video as the next scene draws closer to fill the screen. It is quite an appealing transition as it is very visually exciting, as you will see in the video at the 11:46 mark. It is closely similar to warp zoom 3.

14. Push

Another basic transition is the push video transition. The incoming scene ‘pushes’ the outgoing scene away to the left as it takes up the screen. Due to its simplicity, I use, it as a sidebar effect to give some minor information before returning back to the main video. To understand this concept better, view the video from the 12:22 mark to 12:40. I used the effect to shift the scenes to give some information concerning setting up the watch before I went back to the process of setting up the Apple watch.

15. Sweep clockwise

Under the slide category is the sweep clockwise transition, and as you might have guessed, there is also a sweep anticlockwise transition. It is a time-imitating transition. Here, an invisible clock hand moves clockwise revealing the next scene as it moves round. It is quite a common transition as it is used to bring the effect of fast-forwarding time to the audience, instead of just jumping to the next scene, especially where an activity in the video takes quite some time to move to the next step. I used it in a similar fashion in the video to fast-forward the process of my iPhone connecting to the Apple watch (timestamp-14:22), and the Apple Watch syncing period (timestamp-17:50).

Now to the last of the transitions recommendations.

16. Drop

Under the slide category is the Drop video transition. Now, think of how curtain blinds look, then imagine dropping each strip from the bottom one by one. That is how this transition works. The exiting scene leaves by dropping away in a similar way as the incoming scene appears behind the dropping video. I used it as my last transition in the video at minute 18:59 as a kind of exit from the video to the outro. Have a look at it and see how you would use it in your video(s).

Conclusion on Wondershare Filmora Video Transition Effects

Wondershare Filmora has set the default length for its transitions to 2 seconds, however, the duration can be adjusted to different lengths to suit your needs. As I said in the introduction, do not make the transition too long as it will clutter your video.

Wondershare has these and so much more transitions for use in your videos. Download and install the software to have a try at these exciting transitions and spice up your videos, especially for the content creators out there.

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