How to Create WhatsApp Account Link?

Do you want to create the link to your WhatsApp account?

I am not talking about a particular platform like a blog or website. After reading this article, you can add a WhatsApp account link to your email signature, pdf document, website, or any digital platform. Creating a WhatsApp link or button is too general an idea, and you can use it wherever you want to use it.

I am a blogger, and you can see the green WhatsApp button at the bottom of the right-hand side. Here I have used paid WordPress plug-in called social chat. QuadLayers develop this plugin, and I have paid for this WhatsApp Social chat plug-in to QuadLayers. But you can create the WhatsApp account link to any article, email signature, or document without paying a single penny.

How do I create WhatsApp Account Link?

The WhatsApp account link format is straightforward

Above 254114454600 is my WhatsApp account number, where 254 is the country code without + or 0 or 00, and the will be the same for any WhatsApp account number. If you copy the above-highlighted link and paste it into the browser on your mobile phone or computer, it will ask you to open the WhatsApp app, and you can contact me as this is my WhatsApp account link.

Now, if you want to create a WhatsApp signature, you can add a button and hyperlink that button with the above link so whoever clicks on that button will be directed to contact you on your WhatsApp. In other words, the WhatsApp chat profile will open in WhatsApp app on a computer or mobile phone where they can write messages directly without saving numbers or creating contact on their device.

How to Create WhatsApp account button?

Here I am just inserting a simple button, image and text to add an above-highlighted link as hyperlink to make a clickable WhatsApp button. The procedure is simple, and I will just add the above-highlighted link as a hyperlink.

Button as WhatsApp account button

Image as WhatsApp account button

WhatsApp for

Text as WhatsApp account button


I hope you understood the basic fundamental of the whole article. Just create the link and use it the way you want to.

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